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Season's Greetings from De Ruijter USA

The holiday season brings excitement, happiness, and hope for the magic of Christmas and the coming of a New Year. For some, it can also be overwhelming and stressful… preparing dinner, buying and wrapping gifts, decorating the house, sending holiday cards, and entertaining guests can bring about different emotions for all of us. Gift giving is a fun and rewarding experience, but standing in long lines at the department store isn’t all that great. And there is nothing more frustrating than getting your pre-lit Christmas tree out and finding that only half the lights still work!


Be sure that we’ll leave cookies and milk for Santa, in hopes of receiving the gifts we’ve been wanting all year (some more realistic than others)!

  • Perfume, boots, a coat, a new watch
  • TV, socks, tools, a new shotgun, insulated bib overalls
  • PlayStation 4 (what every man wants!)
  • A good-looking, red-headed female… contact us if you know of an available one J
  • Surround sound system, good health, and World Peace


We also have some resolutions for 2014!

  • Most are health-oriented: run a 5K, maintain or lose weight, only eat badly on holidays, cut back on drinking and smoking (also to save money)
  • Others are a bit more adventurous: wanting to buy a new car or learn how to play guitar
  • Some want to try to be a better person every day, find joy in the simple things, or take more time to catch up with friends and family.
  • And there’s always that one person who makes us all look bad, not making a specific New Year’s resolution, because they feel resolutions should be a top priority throughout the year. (Maybe we should all make this lifestyle our goal for the year!)


De Ruijter USA and its employees would like to wish you and yours all the best this Holiday Season! No matter how you choose to celebrate the holidays, may you cherish the memories you make and find the time to do things that bring joy to your heart.