Entrance Matting
Making a Good First Impression
An entrance mat should be your company’s front line of defense against the harsh elements of nature. They aid in reducing cleaning costs, as well as slowing the inevitable wear and tear of your flooring. Entrance mats are highly durable, environmentally friendly and easy to clean. The beveled edges improve safety, by reducing the risk of tripping. Excellent for both outdoor and indoor applications, entrance mats are a good fit for offices, hotels, schools, retail stores, restaurants... basically any institution that has a flow of traffic.
De Ruijter offers several options:
The Finger Top Mat is available in a variety of sizes and is sure to make an aesthetically pleasing addition to any entrance or hallway.
The Rib Mat is excellent for use in high-traffic areas and is certain to come in a size that fits your needs.
The Rubber Back Carpet Mat was developed as a more economical option to fit the needs of our ever-changing market conditions. A real people pleaser, be sure to check out the variety of sizes and colors available.
The Sure Scrape Mat is a tough, industrial-grade product which is ensured to help keep your floors clean and dry.